
I’m interested in fishery management and ocean conservation, particulary related to ecologically sensitive species such as sharks and rays. Currently I’m working in the Fisheries Management group for the Informatics course at the Master of Environmental Science and Management at UCSB.


I hope to take from the Informatics course skills like how use the github plataform, that allows a collaborative workspace, and how to organize and manage data. Also, I think improving my R skills, especially in generating better visualitions of data, might be a differential in my future professional life.


At the present moment I’m not participating in any MESM project. However, when searching for a opportunity to write my proposal I looked at The International Comission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) database on shark captures, which I’ll be using for this assignment.

# read csv
d = read.csv('data/caio-faro_ICCATSharks.csv')
Brazil <- subset(d, PartyName == "BRAZIL")

##     Species                     ScieName              SpeciesGrp 
##  BSH    :211   Prionace glauca      :211   4-Sharks (major):403  
##  SMA    :191   Isurus oxyrinchus    :191   5-Sharks (other):821  
##  SPN    :133   Sphyrna spp          :133                         
##  BTH    :130   Alopias superciliosus:130                         
##  SHX    : 92   Squaliformes         : 92                         
##  RSK    : 85   Carcharhinidae       : 85                         
##  (Other):382   (Other)              :382                         
##      YearC          Decade     Status        PartyName           Flag     
##  Min.   :1994   Min.   :1990   CP :1224   BRAZIL  :1224   Brazil   :1224  
##  1st Qu.:2003   1st Qu.:2000   NCC:   0   ALGÉRIE :   0   Algerie  :   0  
##  Median :2005   Median :2000   NCO:   0   ANGOLA  :   0   Angola   :   0  
##  Mean   :2006   Mean   :2002              BARBADOS:   0   Argentina:   0  
##  3rd Qu.:2009   3rd Qu.:2000              BELIZE  :   0   Barbados :   0  
##  Max.   :2014   Max.   :2010              CANADA  :   0   Belize   :   0  
##                                           (Other) :   0   (Other)  :   0  
##              Fleet     Stock        SampArea        AreaT1    
##  BRA-BRA-ITAJAI :138   A+M:821   unkn   :1213   SW     :1206  
##  BRA-BRA-NATAL  :114   ATN:  6   BIL96  :  11   NW     :  17  
##  BRA-BRA-RJANERO: 92   ATS:397   BIL91  :   0   GOFM   :   1  
##  BRA            : 67   MED:  0   BIL92  :   0   ATL    :   0  
##  BRA-BRA-SANTOS : 64             BIL93  :   0   AZOR   :   0  
##  BRA-ESP-NATAL  : 60             BIL94  :   0   BLACK  :   0  
##  (Other)        :689             (Other):   0   (Other):   0  
##        SpcGearGrp     GearGrp       GearCode   CatchTypeCode
##  All gears  :822   LL     :998   LL     :839   C :977       
##  Longline   :330   UN     : 77   LLFB   :137   DD: 13       
##  Other surf.: 72   BB     : 46   UNCL   : 77   L :234       
##                    SU     : 36   BB     : 46                
##                    HL     : 35   SURF   : 36                
##                    PS     : 19   HAND   : 35                
##                    (Other): 13   (Other): 54                
##   QualInfoCode      Qty_t         
##  RPT1   :1158   Min.   :   0.000  
##  UNKN   :  47   1st Qu.:   0.300  
##  RCSP   :  19   Median :   3.366  
##  OBSH   :   0   Mean   :  56.081  
##  RCAR   :   0   3rd Qu.:  21.776  
##  RCGR   :   0   Max.   :2609.500  
##  (Other):   0

Data Wrangling


## Source: local data frame [1,224 x 18]
##    Species                 ScieName       SpeciesGrp YearC Decade Status
##     (fctr)                   (fctr)           (fctr) (int)  (int) (fctr)
## 1      BSH          Prionace glauca 4-Sharks (major)  2002   2000     CP
## 2      SMA        Isurus oxyrinchus 4-Sharks (major)  2002   2000     CP
## 3      SHX             Squaliformes 5-Sharks (other)  2002   2000     CP
## 4      BSH          Prionace glauca 4-Sharks (major)  2002   2000     CP
## 5      FAL Carcharhinus falciformis 5-Sharks (other)  2002   2000     CP
## 6      BTH    Alopias superciliosus 5-Sharks (other)  2002   2000     CP
## 7      SMA        Isurus oxyrinchus 4-Sharks (major)  2002   2000     CP
## 8      SHX             Squaliformes 5-Sharks (other)  2002   2000     CP
## 9      BSH          Prionace glauca 4-Sharks (major)  2002   2000     CP
## 10     FAL Carcharhinus falciformis 5-Sharks (other)  2002   2000     CP
## ..     ...                      ...              ...   ...    ...    ...
## Variables not shown: PartyName (fctr), Flag (fctr), Fleet (fctr), Stock
##   (fctr), SampArea (fctr), AreaT1 (fctr), SpcGearGrp (fctr), GearGrp
##   (fctr), GearCode (fctr), CatchTypeCode (fctr), QualInfoCode (fctr),
##   Qty_t (dbl)
Brazil %>%
  select(ScieName, YearC, Status, Fleet, Stock, GearCode, Qty_t) %>%
  group_by(ScieName) %>%
  summarize(Total_Catch_t = sum(Qty_t))
## Source: local data frame [27 x 2]
##                    ScieName Total_Catch_t
##                      (fctr)         (dbl)
## 1               Alopias spp    148.827000
## 2     Alopias superciliosus    747.963952
## 3            Carcharhinidae   1600.884882
## 4         Carcharhiniformes   6132.138284
## 5  Carcharhinus falciformis   1811.366600
## 6       Carcharhinus leucas      8.237015
## 7   Carcharhinus longimanus   2155.981042
## 8     Carcharhinus signatus     23.374000
## 9         Carcharias taurus      9.272000
## 10       Coastal Sharks nei    411.040000
## ..                      ...           ...

4. Answers and Taks

Task. Convert the following table CO2 emissions per country since 1970 from wide to long format and output the first few rows into your Rmarkdown. I recommend consulting ?gather and you should have 3 columns in your output.

library(readxl) # install.packages('readxl')

# xls downloaded from
xls = '../data/co2_europa.xls'


co2 <- read_excel(xls, skip=12)
Longco2 <- gather(co2, "Year", "Emissions", -Country) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(Year))


Question. Why use skip=12 argument in read_excel()? Because the first 12 rows are metadata and we skip them to read only the data from the table we’re gonna use.

Task. Report the top 5 emitting countries (not World or EU28) for 2014 using your long format table. (You may need to convert your year column from factor to numeric, eg mutate(year = as.numeric(as.character(year))). As with most analyses, there are multiple ways to do this. I used the following functions: filter, arrange, desc, head).

Top5 <- Longco2 %>%
    filter(Year == 2014, Country != "World", Country != "EU28") %>%

head(Top5, n=5)

Task. Summarize the total emissions by country (not World or EU28) across years from your long format table and return the top 5 emitting countries. (As with most analyses, there are multiple ways to do this. I used the following functions: filter, arrange, desc, head).

SumCountries <- Longco2 %>%
              filter(Country != "World", Country != "EU28") %>%
              group_by(Country) %>%
              summarise(TotalEmission = sum(Emissions)) %>%
