
Provide some information on art, environment

first diea


Key techniques for visualization


Data for visualization

Here is some data from Water data:

pcp = read.csv('data/pcp.txt', header=T)
##  0 01/01/01:   1  
##  0 01/01/02:   1  
##  0 01/01/03:   1  
##  0 01/01/04:   1  
##  0 01/01/07:   1  
##  0 01/01/08:   1  
##  (Other)   :7914

Data Wrangling

# present working directory

# change working directory

# list files

# list files that end in '.jpg'

# file exists

Install Packages

# Run this chunk only once in your Console
# Do not evaluate when knitting Rmarkdown

# list of packages


Traditionally, you would read a CSV like so:

d = read.csv('../data/r-ecology/species.csv')
##    species_id            genus         species    taxa
## 1          AB       Amphispiza       bilineata    Bird
## 2          AH Ammospermophilus         harrisi  Rodent
## 3          AS       Ammodramus      savannarum    Bird
## 4          BA          Baiomys         taylori  Rodent
## 5          CB  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus    Bird
## 6          CM      Calamospiza     melanocorys    Bird
## 7          CQ       Callipepla        squamata    Bird
## 8          CS         Crotalus      scutalatus Reptile
## 9          CT    Cnemidophorus          tigris Reptile
## 10         CU    Cnemidophorus       uniparens Reptile
## 11         CV         Crotalus         viridis Reptile
## 12         DM        Dipodomys        merriami  Rodent
## 13         DO        Dipodomys           ordii  Rodent
## 14         DS        Dipodomys     spectabilis  Rodent
## 15         DX        Dipodomys             sp.  Rodent
## 16         EO          Eumeces       obsoletus Reptile
## 17         GS         Gambelia           silus Reptile
## 18         NL          Neotoma        albigula  Rodent
## 19         NX          Neotoma             sp.  Rodent
## 20         OL        Onychomys     leucogaster  Rodent
## 21         OT        Onychomys        torridus  Rodent
## 22         OX        Onychomys             sp.  Rodent
## 23         PB      Chaetodipus         baileyi  Rodent
## 24         PC           Pipilo       chlorurus    Bird
## 25         PE       Peromyscus        eremicus  Rodent
## 26         PF      Perognathus          flavus  Rodent
## 27         PG        Pooecetes       gramineus    Bird
## 28         PH      Perognathus        hispidus  Rodent
## 29         PI      Chaetodipus     intermedius  Rodent
## 30         PL       Peromyscus        leucopus  Rodent
## 31         PM       Peromyscus     maniculatus  Rodent
## 32         PP      Chaetodipus    penicillatus  Rodent
## 33         PU           Pipilo          fuscus    Bird
## 34         PX      Chaetodipus             sp.  Rodent
## 35         RF  Reithrodontomys      fulvescens  Rodent
## 36         RM  Reithrodontomys       megalotis  Rodent
## 37         RO  Reithrodontomys        montanus  Rodent
## 38         RX  Reithrodontomys             sp.  Rodent
## 39         SA       Sylvilagus       audubonii  Rabbit
## 40         SB         Spizella         breweri    Bird
## 41         SC       Sceloporus          clarki Reptile
## 42         SF         Sigmodon     fulviventer  Rodent
## 43         SH         Sigmodon        hispidus  Rodent
## 44         SO         Sigmodon    ochrognathus  Rodent
## 45         SS     Spermophilus       spilosoma  Rodent
## 46         ST     Spermophilus    tereticaudus  Rodent
## 47         SU       Sceloporus       undulatus Reptile
## 48         SX         Sigmodon             sp.  Rodent
## 49         UL           Lizard             sp. Reptile
## 50         UP           Pipilo             sp.    Bird
## 51         UR           Rodent             sp.  Rodent
## 52         US          Sparrow             sp.    Bird
## 53         ZL      Zonotrichia      leucophrys    Bird
## 54         ZM          Zenaida        macroura    Bird
##   species_id            genus         species   taxa
## 1         AB       Amphispiza       bilineata   Bird
## 2         AH Ammospermophilus         harrisi Rodent
## 3         AS       Ammodramus      savannarum   Bird
## 4         BA          Baiomys         taylori Rodent
## 5         CB  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus   Bird
## 6         CM      Calamospiza     melanocorys   Bird
##    species_id             genus         species        taxa   
##  AB     : 1   Chaetodipus    : 4   sp.      :10   Bird   :13  
##  AH     : 1   Dipodomys      : 4   hispidus : 2   Rabbit : 1  
##  AS     : 1   Reithrodontomys: 4   albigula : 1   Reptile: 9  
##  BA     : 1   Sigmodon       : 4   audubonii: 1   Rodent :31  
##  CB     : 1   Onychomys      : 3   baileyi  : 1               
##  CM     : 1   Peromyscus     : 3   bilineata: 1               
##  (Other):48   (Other)        :32   (Other)  :38


Better yet, try read_csv:


d = read_csv('../data/r-ecology/species.csv')
## Source: local data frame [54 x 4]
##    species_id            genus         species    taxa
##         (chr)            (chr)           (chr)   (chr)
## 1          AB       Amphispiza       bilineata    Bird
## 2          AH Ammospermophilus         harrisi  Rodent
## 3          AS       Ammodramus      savannarum    Bird
## 4          BA          Baiomys         taylori  Rodent
## 5          CB  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus    Bird
## 6          CM      Calamospiza     melanocorys    Bird
## 7          CQ       Callipepla        squamata    Bird
## 8          CS         Crotalus      scutalatus Reptile
## 9          CT    Cnemidophorus          tigris Reptile
## 10         CU    Cnemidophorus       uniparens Reptile
## ..        ...              ...             ...     ...
## Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
##   species_id            genus         species   taxa
##        (chr)            (chr)           (chr)  (chr)
## 1         AB       Amphispiza       bilineata   Bird
## 2         AH Ammospermophilus         harrisi Rodent
## 3         AS       Ammodramus      savannarum   Bird
## 4         BA          Baiomys         taylori Rodent
## 5         CB  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus   Bird
## 6         CM      Calamospiza     melanocorys   Bird
##   species_id           genus             species         
##  Length:54          Length:54          Length:54         
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##      taxa          
##  Length:54         
##  Class :character  
##  Mode  :character


Now convert to a dplyr table:


d = read_csv('../data/r-ecology/species.csv')
d = tbl_df(d)

d = read_csv('../data/r-ecology/species.csv') %>%

d = tbl_df(read_csv('../data/r-ecology/species.csv'))

## Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
##   species_id            genus         species   taxa
##        (chr)            (chr)           (chr)  (chr)
## 1         AB       Amphispiza       bilineata   Bird
## 2         AH Ammospermophilus         harrisi Rodent
## 3         AS       Ammodramus      savannarum   Bird
## 4         BA          Baiomys         taylori Rodent
## 5         CB  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus   Bird
## 6         CM      Calamospiza     melanocorys   Bird
##   species_id           genus             species         
##  Length:54          Length:54          Length:54         
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##      taxa          
##  Length:54         
##  Class :character  
##  Mode  :character
## Observations: 54
## Variables: 4
## $ species_id (chr) "AB", "AH", "AS", "BA", "CB", "CM", "CQ", "CS", "CT...
## $ genus      (chr) "Amphispiza", "Ammospermophilus", "Ammodramus", "Ba...
## $ species    (chr) "bilineata", "harrisi", "savannarum", "taylori", "b...
## $ taxa       (chr) "Bird", "Rodent", "Bird", "Rodent", "Bird", "Bird",...

dplyr loosely

What year does species ‘NL’ show up in the surveys.csv?


read_csv('../data/r-ecology/surveys.csv') %>%
  select(species_id, year) %>%
  #filter(species_id == 'NL') %>%
  group_by(species_id, year) %>%
  summarize(count = n())
## Source: local data frame [535 x 3]
## Groups: species_id [?]
##    species_id  year count
##         (chr) (int) (int)
## 1          AB  1980     5
## 2          AB  1981     7
## 3          AB  1982    34
## 4          AB  1983    41
## 5          AB  1984    12
## 6          AB  1985    14
## 7          AB  1986     5
## 8          AB  1987    35
## 9          AB  1988    39
## 10         AB  1989    31
## ..        ...   ...   ...
d = read_csv('../data/r-ecology/species.csv') %>%

d = tbl_df(read_csv('../data/r-ecology/species.csv'))
## Source: local data frame [54 x 4]
##    species_id            genus         species    taxa
##         (chr)            (chr)           (chr)   (chr)
## 1          AB       Amphispiza       bilineata    Bird
## 2          AH Ammospermophilus         harrisi  Rodent
## 3          AS       Ammodramus      savannarum    Bird
## 4          BA          Baiomys         taylori  Rodent
## 5          CB  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus    Bird
## 6          CM      Calamospiza     melanocorys    Bird
## 7          CQ       Callipepla        squamata    Bird
## 8          CS         Crotalus      scutalatus Reptile
## 9          CT    Cnemidophorus          tigris Reptile
## 10         CU    Cnemidophorus       uniparens Reptile
## ..        ...              ...             ...     ...
## Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
##   species_id            genus         species   taxa
##        (chr)            (chr)           (chr)  (chr)
## 1         AB       Amphispiza       bilineata   Bird
## 2         AH Ammospermophilus         harrisi Rodent
## 3         AS       Ammodramus      savannarum   Bird
## 4         BA          Baiomys         taylori Rodent
## 5         CB  Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus   Bird
## 6         CM      Calamospiza     melanocorys   Bird
##   species_id           genus             species         
##  Length:54          Length:54          Length:54         
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##      taxa          
##  Length:54         
##  Class :character  
##  Mode  :character
## Observations: 54
## Variables: 4
## $ species_id (chr) "AB", "AH", "AS", "BA", "CB", "CM", "CQ", "CS", "CT...
## $ genus      (chr) "Amphispiza", "Ammospermophilus", "Ammodramus", "Ba...
## $ species    (chr) "bilineata", "harrisi", "savannarum", "taylori", "b...
## $ taxa       (chr) "Bird", "Rodent", "Bird", "Rodent", "Bird", "Bird",...