{ “program”: “student”, “interests”: “water supply, food security”, “project”: “Pollution”, “organization”: “pollute” }



Becoming more comfortable with programming and data imaging will help our GP produce more presentable infographics of our findings.


Data for the GP has largely been collected from local water agencies and the county (historical and projected data include metered sales, water supply by source, energy requirements by source, and costs).

s = read.csv('data/sgriff_loadyields.tsv') #sgriff_loadyields indicates annual N & P flux in states' waters (in kg/yr/km^2)
# output summary
##  state.nitrogen.phosphorus
##  028\t102: 1              
##  095\t119: 1              
##  131\t67 : 1              
##  171\t82 : 1              
##  268\t72 : 1              
##  303\t93 : 1              
##  (Other) :56