Install R, RStudio, Git
To run the code in this book, you will need to install both R and the RStudio IDE, an application that makes R easier to use. Both are open source, free and easy to install:
- R: (NEW!)
- RStudio:
- Git: Default options work well.
Setup Github, Git
Create Github account at, if you don’t already have one. For username, I recommend all lower-case letters, short as you can. You’re encouraged to upload a picture since it will get included in the students listing as part of the first assignment.
Configure Git with global commands. Open up the Bash version of Git and type the following:
# check your version of git git --version git config –-global "your GitHub account name" git config –-global "" # list your config to confirm user.* variables set git config --list
Open Rstudio and set the path to Git executable. Go to Tools > Global Options > Git/SVN. You should browse to the git executable which is usually, dependent on operating system:
- Mac:
- Windows:
C:/Program Files/Git/bin/git.exe
- Mac:
Sign in to Slack
BB will invite you via email to the Slack forum env-info. When you first sign up, please try setting the same Slack username as your Github username. You can use this messaging forum for realtime discussion and feedback.
Copy and paste the following code in your R console, which will tell you whether or not you have the latest versions of the software.
# parameters
R_v = '3.2.3'
RStudio_v = '0.99.491'
# check R version ----
if (getRversion() < R_v){
stop(sprintf('Your version of R (%s) is older than the expected minimum R version (%s). Please close R/RStudio and install the latest version of R from', getRversion(), R_v))
} else {
cat(sprintf('Your version of R (%s) is valid, ie newer or the same as expected minimum R version (%s).', getRversion(), R_v))
# check RStudio version ----
if (RStudio.Version()$version < RStudio_v){
stop(sprintf('Your version of RStudio (%s) is older than the expected minimum RStudio version (%s). Please close R/RStudio and install the latest version of RStudio from', RStudio.Version()$version, RStudio_v))
} else {
cat(sprintf('Your version of Rstudio (%s) is valid, ie newer or the same as expected minimum Rstudio version (%s).', RStudio.Version()$version, RStudio_v))