2016-02-24 18:08
Most of these cheatsheets are from
- Baumer et al. - 2014 - R Markdown Integrating A Reproducible Analysis To.pdf
- DataONE 2012 Best Practices Primer DataONE_BP_Primer_020212.pdf
- DataONE Data Management Guide for Public Participation PPSR-DataManagementGuide.pdf
- Hampton et al - 2014 - The tao of open science for ecology.pdf
- Teal et al - 2015 - Data Carpentry.pdf
- Wickham - 2010 - A Layered Grammar of Graphics.pdf
- Wilson et al - 2014 - Best Practices for Scientific Computing.pdf
- R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham
- Advanced R by Hadley Wickham
- Reproducible Research with R and Rstudio by Christopher Gandrud
- Practical Data Science with R by Nina Zumel, John Mount and Jim Porzak
- Data Carpentry for Biologists by Ethan White
- Data Analysis and Visualization Using R by David Robinson
- Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R by Jenny Bryan
- Software Carpentry: R for reproducible scientific analysis by Software Carpentry
- Tools for Reproducible Research by Karl Broman